Customise your payroll experience with KeyPay’s pay conditions engine! KeyPay’s built-in awards can be edited to specific payroll scenarios such as paying above the award, setting allowances for employees, and setting overtime arrangements to make payroll a fuss free experience.
Build the rules of your Enterprise Agreement into KeyPay to automate your unique pay conditions, saving you from hours of manual calculations across multiple systems.

Work Types
Our work type classifications are here to take the manual calculations off your shoulders! Each employee’s specific working conditions for a shift are matched to the exact pay conditions under the specified award or Enterprise Agreement built into our platform. All you need to do is make the right selection and from there, everything is automated and feeds straight into timesheet calculations and the pay run.
New award rules for annual wage arrangements
Concerned about complying with Fair Work’s Modern Award annualised salary changes? With KeyPay’s rules tester, payroll administrators can automatically reconcile annualised wage arrangements with affected Modern Award wages, saving hours of frustration and manual interpretation. Ensure employees are always paid what they’re due, in compliance with Fair Work.

Rule Sets
KeyPay’s built-in rule tester ensures pay condition rules are set up correctly before going live, in order to produce accurate pay runs. Test the automation of allowance inclusions, automation of meal breaks, and location specific conditions so that no manual calculations will be required come the day of the pay run.
Pay Rate Templates
Manage pay rate changes easily with our pay rate templates. These templates allow you to create pre-defined sets of pay rates under your award or Enterprise Agreement selected, which can then be applied to new and existing employees. Update employee pay rates in bulk, whether or not they are attached to a pay rate template.

Leave Allowance Templates
With KeyPay’s leave allowance templates, you can bulk update leave values for all employees if the leave accrual rates change instead of having to update them individually for each new employee. This saves precious time and energy in the onboarding process.
What if there are specific employees in the business that you wish to assign unique conditions to? By applying tags to individual employees or groups, you can assign customised pay conditions without worrying about it affecting other employees.

Hear what customers have to say
"The ease and the confidence that we have in KeyPay is 100%. It’s intuitive, easy to use, responsive, and has been so reliable."
Learn moreStart Your Free Trial With Any Plan
$4 /mth*
KeyPay Standard
- Flexible Payroll
- Employee Self Service
- Timesheets
- Comprehensive Reporting
- ATO Electronic Lodgements
- Quarterly Super Processing
- Single Touch Payroll
$6 /mth*
Contact us for pricing
- Fully Branded Solution
- Reseller Pricing Structure
- Second Level Technical Support
- Custom Domain incl. SSL certificate**
- Included in a finalised pay run (even if that pay run is subsequently unlocked)
- Has had an approved leave request
- Has had an approved expense request
- Has had a published roster shift
- Has had an approved timesheet
**Custom domain inc. SSL Certificate is optional and comes at a cost of $200 per annum.